Made of pure quartz, Cambria surfaces are strong and non-porous; meaning the beauty you see today will endure for years to come. Beyond resistance to damage, they offer protection from harmful bacteria and are certified emission-free. All of this performance comes virtually maintenance-free – caring for Cambria is as simple as cleaning with water and soap.
- Aberdeen
- Aragon
- Armitage
- Ashford
- Bala Blue
- Bellingham
- Berkeley
- Blackwood
- Bradford
- Bradshaw
- Braemar
- Brentwood
- Brecon Brown
- Burnbury
- Burton Brown
- Caerphilly Green
- Cambrian Black
- Cambrian Gold
- Canterbury
- Cardiff Cream
- Cardigan Red
- Carlisle Gray
- Carmarthen Brown
- Castell
- Charston
- Chatham
- Cherrybrook
- Clyde
- Collybrooke
- Coswell Cream
- Cranbrook
- Cuddington
- Darlington
- Dovedale
- Durham
- Edinburough
- Fieldstone
- Flint Black
- Galloway
- Greystone
- Halstead
- Hamilton
- Hazelford
- Henley
- Hollinsbrook
- Hyde Park
- Kensington
- Kington
- Lancaster
- Laneshaw
- Lincolnshire
- Linwood
- Minera
- New Brighton
- New Castle
- New Quay
- Newhaven
- Newport
- Nottingham
- Oakhampton
- Oxford
- Oxwidh Green
- Parys
- Praa Sands
- Preston
- Reading
- Rosslyn
- Sanford
- Sharpam
- Sheffield
- Shirebrook
- Snowdon White
- Somerset
- Southampton
- Stafford Brown
- Sussex
- Sutton
- Talbot Gray
- Templeton
- Tenby Cream
- Torquay
- Victoria
- Waterford
- Waverton
- Wellington
- Welshpool Black
- Westminster
- Whitehall
- Whitney
- White Cliff
- Williston
- Winchester
- Windermere
- Windsor
- Yorkshire